WeAre Moon recrutement – Développeur Front End React Js (Sahloul, Sousse, Tunisie)

Postes vacants:
2 postes ouverts
Type d'emploi désiré :
CDI, CDD, Temps plein, SIVP
Experience :
1 à 3 ans
Niveau d'étude :
Licence, Bac + 3
Rémunération proposée :
Langue :
Français, Anglais, Arabe
Genre :

Description de l'emploi

Weare Moon Agency is seeking an experienced front end developer for local, regional, and national clients. We believe the customer experience is a top priority and we are looking for a like-minded individual to join our growing team.» RESPONSIBILITES:•Develop a solid and clear front-end code.•Integration of APIs.•Maintain, and add new features.» QUALIFICATIONS:•Working knowledge of modern front-end web technologies.•Experience with RESTFul APIs.•Experience with React, Redux, Responsive Web Design.•Experience with front end technologies including HTML, CSS, and JS.» LANGUAGES and TECHNOLOGIES:•React/Redux•HTML•CSS•JavaScript•Typescript•Git•PHP & Laravel is a bonus

Exigences de l'emploi

 Excellent organization and communication skill.

Date d'expiration


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