N° du poste


Domaine Production et distribution d’électricité, de gaz et d’eau et assainissement
Secteur de recrutement Privé
Diplôme Diplôme national de licence appliquée
Diplôme national d’ingénieur
La maîtrise
Diplôme national du mastère professionnel
Diplôme de technicien supérieur (bac + 3)
Pays d’affectation Emirats arabes unis
Etat civil Célibataire
Spécialités Production, Transport et Distribution d’Electricité
Production d’Electricité
Distribution d’Electricité
Distribution de Combustibles Gazeux par Conduites
Génie Electrique
Génie Electro-Mécanique / Electricité Mécanique
Langues Anglais
Age limite 40
Date prévue de recrutement
Date limite de dépot de candidature 19.02.2023
Nombre d’année d’expérience 5
Genre Homme
Description poste Responsible to perform, control and monitor from central control room, the operation of the power generating to ensure continuous supplies of power co-ordinate with other power operators to achieve reliable efficient and safe operations of the equipment/system plant and safety of operating personnel.
Responsible to monitor and check operating condition of plant/ equipment and record process parameter available in local area and report to SPSO, DMSO to take corrective action in case of any abnormality.
Responsible to follow up and carry out plant routine activities as per approved schedule.
Responsible to assist in startup, shut down and emergency operation of the plant and equipment as per instruction. Report abnormalities/defect observed to the superior.
Responsible to take necessary readings for preparation of daily, weekly, and monthly report.
Responsible to carry out necessary isolation and normalization with instruction of SPSO, DMSO, and place LC tag in each isolation point and remove LC tag after normalization.
Responsible to carry out fuel oil storage tank filling from road tankers. Obey safety rules.
To participate tool box talks on job training and group discussion
Bachelors in Electrical/mechanical engineering (minimum 3 years experience) Diploma in electrical/mechanical engineering (minimum 5 years experience)
Must have experience in operation of modern gas/steam turbine power station.

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