Postes vacants:
1 poste ouvert
Type d'emploi désiré :
Experience :
1 à 3 ans
Niveau d'étude :
DESS, DEA, Master, Bac + 5, Grandes Ecoles
Rémunération proposée :
Entre 1000 DT et 1500 DT
Langue :
Anglais, Arabe
Genre :

Description de l'emploi

The junior manager crop is responsible for the climate, the watering (drain) and controlling the diseases and virusses in the greenhouse. The junior manager is getting advise from the operational director

In agreement with the manager and the consultant following a crop strategy to set the climate and the drain for the needs of the plant to realize maximum kilograms.

Exigences de l'emploi

Agricultural Engineering degree


Making decisions by undertaken actions or decide by expressing opinions


Overview of situations and processes in time, see and know problems and solve those systematic, keeping an eye on consequences.

Commitment / involvement

Picking up tasks and assignments, showing commitment and goodwill to reach the set goals. And search for better alternatives.


Work precise and careful, with an eye for detail, and prevent (sloppy) errors.

Analytic skills

Distinguish headlines from side issues and  having no problems to focus and reach the heart of a problem.

Provide posible consequenses from steps to be made.

Good english is required

Date d'expiration


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