Postes vacants:
1 poste ouvert
Type d'emploi désiré :
Niveau d'étude :
Licence, Bac + 3
Rémunération proposée :
Entre 500 DT et 1000 DT
Langue :
Français, Anglais
Genre :

Description de l'emploi

IGT is a company based in Tunis and active in North Africa. IGT supplies raw materials, consumables and spares parts for the industry.

We are looking for a sales assistant to execute the following tasks:

– Offers preparation and follow up.

– Orders processing and follow up.

– Imports, exports and customs clearance.

– Payments follow up and collection.

– Contact with different administrations and service providers.

Exigences de l'emploi

Responsability, initiative and motivation.

Date d'expiration


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