- Postes vacants:
- 50 postes ouverts
- Type d'emploi désiré :
- Experience :
- 1 à 3 ans
- Niveau d'étude :
- DUT, BTS, Bac + 2
- Rémunération proposée :
- Entre 2000 DT et 3000 DT
- Langue :
- Allemand, Espagnol, Italien, Russe
- Genre :
- Indifférent
Description de l'emploi
We are recruiting for an international project in the tourism sector, we are recruiting the following profiles:
Young graduates who master one of the following languages:
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Russian
- French
Candidates should fluently speak foreign language with correct pronunciation and without making grammatical errors.
Language proficiency will be tested by a qualified professor.
Exigences de l'emploi
Please send us your CV in English with maximum detail
Date d'expiration